Archives: 2020
How Communities Work Together: COVID-19
Posted: April 27, 2020
The COVID-19 outbreak has thrown the entire country into turmoil, with concerns about income, the stock market, how to keep a small business afloat, and above all, ensuring our families and friends stay safe and healthy. New ways of doing business are quickly being established. Most businesses that fall outside the state’s list of essential services have employees who are working from home and meeting...
How We’re Helping: 8 Things ERIE Is Doing During COVID-19
Posted: April 27, 2020
When Erie Insurance opened for business in 1925, our co-founder H.O. Hirt inspired us with his motto: Never lose the human touch. Well… these days, the “human touch” looks a lot different. But that spirit is still alive in us at ERIE, where we’re still here for you and the communities we serve. Check our COVID-19 Information Center for the latest news and announcements. For questions...
34 Screen-Free Activities For Spring
Posted: April 23, 2020
It’s been a long winter and everyone’s ready to start enjoying the outdoors again. But before you begin soaking in that summer sun, you’ll have to navigate your way through the changing weather of spring. In the spring, it’s not uncommon to see vast temperature swings. And a warm sunny day can just as easily be followed by a week of cold and rain. To...
Directors & Officers Liability Insurance Vs. Errors & Omissions Liability Insurance
Posted: April 19, 2020
No matter the type or size of your business, it is important to have adequate insurance coverage to protect you from liability. For protection from claims of malpractice or improperly performed services, you need errors and omission liability insurance. But this type of policy won’t cover you for every eventuality. To fill in the gaps, you may also need a directors and officers liability insurance...
Your Insurance Agent: A Resource During The Coronavirus Outbreak
Posted: April 17, 2020
We are living through a time of great change, but thankfully, your local insurance agent is a resource for you. Insurance Policy Questions Your local agent, and the insurance companies in the USA, are here to help you through this challenging time. If you have financial concerns due to a furlough, lay-off, or your small business is closed with cash flow at a standstill, our...